
Registrations for the ANNETTE Summer School are collected on this registration form. You may familiarize yourself with the form in advance from this link. Please note that a recommendation letter (question 8) and a clear motivation (questions 10+11) are important for the selection procedure (see below).

Registration period is from 6 Feb 2018 to 31 Mar 2018. If you have any questions, please contact:

The steering committee will select participants in early April and inform the applicants by 15 Apr 2018.

There is a maximum for the number of participants due to practical limitations. Additionally, the organizers wish to promote the multi-disciplinary nature of the Summer School. This is done by selecting participants from all covered disciplines and backgrounds. The selection procedure is described in this document.

Participation costs

There is no participation fee for the ANNETTE Summer School. Furthermore, our EU funding covers lunches and coffees of the participants as well as 50% of accommodation at Hostel Borea in 2-person rooms (incl. breakfast).

Participants of the Summer School are responsible to pay 50% of accommodation (about 100 € for the week) as well as all their travel costs. It is recommended to apply for financial support from your home organization, national funds and international funding schemes.

Booking of accommodation has been done by Summer School organizers. Additional information will be given to selected participants in April-May.

International funding support for participation costs

For further financial support for the traveling and/or the accommodation costs, fusion students or other students taking part in the Nuclear Technology track of the Summer School have the opportunity to apply for funding through the FuseNet network:

Additionally, ANNETTE Summer School has obtained funding from the ENEN+ project for covering travel costs of the participants. Each participant eligible for this support may obtain max 600 € support where 100 € covers the accommodation and 500 € travel costs (against receipts of real costs).

The terms for ENEN+ support are the following:

  • Participant travelling to Summer School from abroad
  • Active student/professional in one of the four eligible ENEN+ nuclear fields (nuclear engineering, nuclear waste management, radiation protection, medical physics)
  • Participant selected according to the ANNETTE Summer School rules
  • Participant writes a report on the activity to ENEN+ Management Committee within July 2018

Summer School organizers will clarify the need for the ENEN+ support from all selected participants and the supported participants will be decided during April.